take a little peek into my life of teaching crazy fourth graders!

Sunday, March 28, 2010



I finally had my last week student teaching fourth grade! It is definitely a bitter sweet moment. I'm so excited because that means that I am that much closer to graduating. At the same time I am definitely going to miss seeing those kids every day.
There are so many things that I have learned from my student teaching over these past ten weeks. The biggest thing that I will take away with me is my classroom management technique. I have learned to be confident with myself and to take control. As a teacher you have to set your standards and expect that hte students will live up to them.

There were a few times during the past 10 weeks where I was stumped as to what I should do. The best learning experience for a new teacher is to be thrown into a classroom I believe. UVU's educational program has taught me many great and valuable lessons that I have learned in the classroom. However not everything can be taught in a classroom.
Real life situations are the hardest and teach you the most. My cooperating teacher was wonderful and was able to help me with all the problems that were presented to me throughout my experience. I am so grateful for the time I had to spend with her.

Now I graduate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 30th is the day and I am so excited. I am hoping that I will be able to find a job around here but I know that is nearly impossible right now. So I will take anything I can get.
I am looking to build my resume in as many ways possible that I can. I have talked to my university supervisor and the principal at the school I was placed at and they have informed me how I can do this. I plan on attending conferences and substitute teaching and possibly even applying to be an aid at a school. I am so glad to be done with student teaching and to move on to the next step in my life!

Sunday, March 21, 2010



I can't believe that I only have 1 more week of student teaching left! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! My university supervisor came to watch me last week and asked me how I feel that I have changed over the course of my student teaching. It was a loaded question and I wasn't exactly sure how to respond.

He informed me that he has noticed that I have become more and more confident in myself throughout my student teaching. They way that I interact with the students, the activities that I provide- the whole shabang. This isn't something that I noticed on my own but since he has pointed it out it makes sense to me. With my cooperating teacher being gone from the classroom more I have stepped up as a teacher and made it known that I am in charge.


Talking with my professor made me that more excited for my own classroom in the future. I feel very confident in my teaching ability and how I will affect the students in my classroom. And that's what it will be- my classroom.

There are so many things that I have realized as I have been more on my own lately in the classroom. One of the biggest things is patience. I have also learned that I need to hold all students to the same standard. Not necessarily when it comes to academics, but with everything else that goes on in the classroom. I need to be fair with all students.


I was suppose to be done with my student teaching on Wednesday if I remember correctly but unlucky me keeps getting sick and racking up the days I have to make up. So I think that I am done on Friday! I get to go on another field trip with my class on Wednesday and we are going to go see a play at Orem Junior High - so I am actually very excited for that. Field trips are the best.

The only thing that I have left is finishing up my math class that I am taking right now and getting everything put together and ready to turn in on April 6th. With my luck I'll probably lose my jump drive right before everything is due. Which would suck. Even though I have it backed up all over the place - it's nice to have it all together in one location. My last week will be sad, but I'm ready for it to be over and to start a new adventure!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


This past week was kind of a frustrating week. I just am at a loss of what to do with students who you explain things to over and over- multiple ways- and they still don't get what you are trying to teach them. It makes you feel as if you have failed even though you have tried your hardest. It's not fair! Especially with those students who have come into the grade your teaching, already being a grade or two behind.
Last week I had the hardest day that I have ever experienced during my student teaching. It was on Thursday. The class came in and just seemed to be a mess from the minute the first bell rang. I felt that throughout the whole day I was constantly telling everybody to stay on task, or to return to their seats, or to be kind to their classmates.

I haven't come up with a solution yet as to how to solve this problem. I did talk to another teacher and she told me that when her class comes into the classroom and the morning and she can tell that they are all very talkative and hyper that she addresses them by saying, "I'm so glad to see that you are all here today and that you are so happy, but we are not going to be acting like this the rest of the day." This is one solution that I liked-addressing what you know is going to be a problem right away.
There have been other teachers that I have talked to that have told me that you are just going to have that kind of a day sometimes. Sometimes there are bad days that trump all others. Just like with any other job- sometimes things constantly go wrong. You just have to push through it with a smile on your face, and conquer the next day.

I can't believe that I am almost done with my student teaching. Only 2 more weeks left! It's so strange to think that I am done in 2 weeks- but that the students still have a few months. I feel a little bit weird just leaving them and not seeing them again. I assume that's how teachers feel at the end of the year- you grow so close to the students that you have during the year.
I really really really really really need to buckle down and finish putting together my senior portfolio and my unit for this semester. I am starting to stress out and I am not a person that stresses very easily. I have put most of my senior portfolio together but there is one paper that I am missing, and I am hoping that I find it and don't have to rewrite it. That would be a bummer- and take a lot of time that I don't have at the moment. Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I am just about ready for my student teaching to be over! I have loved every minute of it but there just comes a time where you realize that you are working very very very hard, and not getting paid! So I am very excited and ready to graduate at the end of April.
This last week was a little bit frustrating for me in a few different ways. I taught the students about decimals and they did not get it at all!!!!! Tons and tons, I would say the majority of the class failed on their homework that night. But I can't blame them. I honestly think that they didn't understand decimals because I wasn't that clear when I taught them. Probably because I tend to get confused with decimals.

This weekend I sat down and had to really think out how I want to re-teach decimals for tomorrow. It's not adding or subtracting them, or even telling which decimal is greater. It's hard for them to understand the place value concept. They don't see the difference between the tens and hundreds.
So on Friday afternoon I went through a few different math books and lessons and compiled a lesson for tomorrow that I think is really going to work out. It involes them learning about the place value with a variety of techniques. Including money, which is what I think is the easiest to comprehend decimals with.

Now tomorrow we will get to see how it goes and I will let you know next week. Tomorrow I also have my supervisor coming to observe me in the morning. Which I am not excited about. Simply because he is observing me while I am teaching another class. They are not the students that are in my class, so they don't treat me the same.
I understnad that you need to be able to control all kisd, and I can. I just feel that this other class is always testing the waters with me to see what they can get away with., and they are pushing it too far. Which causes me to have to be stricter, which makes the whole lesson not as fun. This is another reason why I was so frustrated this week. I just wish I was always with my class! Oh well! Things like this happen, and I just have to roll with the punches!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


This past week in school I started my science unit for the second time with another 4th grade class. I was really please with how it went. I felt like I knew the material better than I did the first time because I did, from being able to teach it before. I felt much more comfortable teaching the unit on soil this time around too.
The students also learned about how to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. Most got it, but quite a few didn't. It's so frustrating how much I can work with one child so hard and for so long on a concept, and they get it, and then the next day it is completely gone. I am just at such a loss with this and so sad.

It was amazing teaching my science unit for the second time because time flew by so much quicker. The first time I taught my soil unit, the first day, it took me about an hour and a half for the students to complete what I had planned for the day. This time around it only took forty minutes. Which was awesome because it gave me so much for time to do other things that needed to be done.
It's amazing too the more you teach something the skills that come along with it. Such as the ease of teaching a concept like adding and subtracting unlike denominators. At first I was at a loss. I know the concept well. I understand it. It's a completely different ball park knowing a subject though and being able to teach it well. I think that it is a lot more difficult to be a good teacher than it is to be a smart teacher.

This next week I will be working on decimals in math which I am not at all excited about. My cooperating teacher told me that fractions and decimals are very hard for the students to catch on to. Hopefully I won't be too confusing and that they will understand decimals.
I am on the downhill of my student teaching and I find myself getting excited, sad, and stressed all at the same time. Sad because I have come to love teaching these children and being in an actual classroom. Excited because I finally get to graduate and be done! And finally, stressed because I will have so much do coming up for graduation. I'm just so glad that I have kept up with my blogging all semester long. :) I just need to really buckle down now and start working hard on my senior portfolio and putting my unit all together. Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


This week absolutely flew by for me. My cooperating teacher was at a conference on Thursday and Friday, so there was suppose to be a substitute for both days. He was there on Thursday, but on Friday the principal came into the room and asked me if he could borrow the substitute for the day to put in another class. Of course I said yes and I experienced my very first day in the classroom, all day, by myself. It was so much fun!
Friday was the last day of my science unit that I put together on soil. I got to make my own test for the unit. I pulled together all the information that I covered on this unit for the students and made a test. Not all the students have finished the test because we ran out of time on Friday, because we had a mountain man come talk to us. Of the tests that I have graded so far though, the students have done fairly well and it's quite exciting for me.

Since my science unit is done with, I will now start reteaching it! The 4th grade in the school that I am at does a rotation schedule when it comes to science. You teach a unit for three weeks, and then you switch classes and get to teach another class the same thing all over again. I've heard that this can get boring but for this unit I am actually excited. I'm excited because I will get to learn more about the subject and perfect my unit.
I'm also excited to see how my tests turn out from my class for another reason. This reason is because then I will get to evaluate and see where I didn't teach as well during my unit. Then come the next few weeks I will get to fix what I didn't teach as well and clarify it for the other two 4th grade classes.

I also get to start a new social studies unit this upcoming week, and it is on pioneers. I'm feeling excited and nervous for this unit. My cooperating teacher told me the other day that most her information about pioneers is in her head. So I am going to have to research a lot so that I can provide good lessons for the students.
In math this week I am going to start teaching about adding and subtrating fractions with unlike denominators. My cooperating teacher has told me that in past years students usually struggle with this concept and that it takes lots and lots of practice for them to catch on. I have really had to sit down and define how I am going to teach this topic clearly for the students. I'll let you know next week how it goes!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


This past week I had my first troublesome experience. Teaching 4th graders how to simplify fractions is not the easiest task. In the beginning of the week I taught them simply how to make a fraction. They learned how to make fractions from part of a set and from part of a whole.
On Thursday however when I began to teach about equivalent fractions, I could see that the students were completely lost. I was so nervous to teach this lesson that I asked my cooperating teacher before I began the lesson that if she wanted to jump in and help at all to feel free. Considering she has more experience teaching this topic, I felt that a little extra help would be wonderful. Thanksfully she stepped up to the plate and helped me out.

I have had to rack my brain on how to teach equivalent fractions. I had to completely change my approach to this lesson because I could tell from the blank faces that I was not making much sense to the students. I had began the lesson with teaching through manipulatives, but that was not working very well.
I decided just to have the students work on the worksheet that they were going to work on after they got the lesson. I realized that my best approach was just to work through multiple problems with the students. As we worked through the worksheet and the students got more and more practice, the students began to catch on and I finally felt some reassurance.

Because Friday was Valentine's Day, it was a hectic day with an assembly and all the Valentine's parties going on. So we did not get to have math, or our usual Friday math quiz. Tomorrow is also a holiday, so it will be another short week. So I'm going to have to really work hard to review on Tuesday so that the students will be able to remember the material from last week and so that they will feel ready for the quiz.
This upcoming week my cooperating teacher will be gone on Thurday and Friday at some type of conference. So there is going to be a substitute teacher. I'm not exactly sure on how to approach my teaching on these two days because I don't want the substitute to think that I am trying to step on anybody's toes. But I also want to fulfill all my student teaching responsibilities. It's going to be an interesting week!